Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What to Do If a College Class Is Full

What to Do If a College Class Is Full The class you need to take to make progress toward your degree has already filled up. You have to get in, but what can you do if theres no room when you register? While this situation is incredibly frustrating (and all too common), there are a few steps you can take to either get into the class or find an alternate solution. 6 Steps to Take Next When a College Class Is Full Get on the waitlist as soon as possible. You can often do this at registration and the sooner you get on the list, the higher your ranking will be.Talk to the professor. Do you need the class for graduation? Are there other circumstances that might help you plead your case? Talk to the professors during their office hours to see if theres anything that can be done.Talk to the registrar. If you desperately need to get into a class for graduation or financial reasons, talk to the registrars office. They might be able to make an exception if the professor also approves letting you into the class.Explore other options and alternatives. Sign up for at least one other class that you can take in place of your desired class, just in case you cant get in. The last thing you need is to be blocked out from all of the good classes because you thought youd get into your wait-listed one.Have a backup plan ready to go if you cant get in. Can you take the same course online? With another professor? At another campus nearby? Over the summer? Being creative about your options can help you find a solution in case your original plan doesnt work out. Most Importantly, Dont Panic It may seem like the end of the world, but rest assured that its not. When you discover that one of your most essential course requirements is full, sit down and take a deep breath. Review your options. Read through the advice given above one more time because you may have missed an important detail that can help.  Get out your notebook and make a to-do list. Writing down the steps you need to take, the exact people you need to talk to, and your points for why  you  should be in that class will help clear your head.Go out and pursue it. Take the action needed to put your plan in place and work each of these steps simultaneously. If one approach backfires, you will already have the others in progress or know what you need to do to start the next one.Be professional. Whoever you speak (or plead) with to try and get in that class, do so in an adult manner. Its very easy to be overly emotional when youre frustrated, but thats not the best approach to sweet talking professors and registrars. Whining will not get you anywhere, pleading your case with facts and a professional demeanor will.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ozymandias Analysis Essays

Ozymandias Analysis Essays Ozymandias Analysis Paper Ozymandias Analysis Paper The overall meaning of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem â€Å"Ozymandias† is that no one lasts forever; eventually even the greatest men die and are forgotten. Nature eventually conquers the tallest and most prosperous cities, leaving them colossal wrecks. The statue of Ozymandias, also known as the Egyptian Ruler Ramses II, was erected in Ramses’ own likeness in his honor, among other monuments. So, even though Ramses II was so powerful and recognized, he eventually became forgotten and abandoned. In Greek, Ozymandias can be broken down into two words: ozy and myndias. Ozy means air and myndias means king. Essentially, Ramses was the King of the Air, which can mean the King of Nothing, which shows his power is temporary. I think the author wants to show the fact that something that was once so powerful and looked upon, such as the King of Kings was, after a while, destroyed. Now, some statue, that he had had done for himself because he thought he was so superior, is destroyed, barely remembered and mocked. The voice of â€Å"Ozymandias† is said through what sounds most like the author, Percy Bysshe Shelley, since the first line says, â€Å"I met a traveler from an antique land.. The poem is written in whole sentences, but they are chopped up between lines using caesurae, which makes them slightly choppy but with a smooth overlay. The tone, to me, sounds slightly depressing and solemn, but that is understandable, since the poem is talking about how nothing lasts forever. Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote this poem in competition with his friend Horace Smith. Both poems have the same su bject, tell the same story, and make the same moral points. They also both had the same title for a while, but then Smith retitled his poem to another name.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Speech papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech papers - Essay Example The portrayals were characterized by repetitive and indiscriminate depiction of the Muslim community that reinforce stereotyping and misunderstanding among the wider public. Central to the negativity of the media's Arab and Islamic portrayals are the reporters themselves. The idea is that claims to objectivity in news reporting is a myth and that, in their reports, they have the power to shape and change meanings that influence public opinion just with use, misuse or non-use of certain words. An excellent example of this is the way Palestinians are labeled terrorists in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when the ANC that uses the same methods that got the former labeled as such were called as freedom fighters. (Manning, p. 52) Dr. Ibrahim Hilal added another example when he pointed out in an ABC interview how Western networks never say occupied territories in Palestine and instead mention â€Å"territories† or the just the â€Å"Palestinian people† in their reports about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in addition to the usual failure in mentioning the reason of resistance and violence on the part of the Arabs. (p52) There is also a tendency to opinionate and cast blame on Muslims as a whole by using specific incidents and personalities in order to represent their community and what they stand for. For instance, during the peak of the media coverage of the Lebanese rape gangs, the Islamic religion was repeatedly dragged into the fray, with reporters going as far as pontificating how Islamic culture and values breed the kind of violence that Arabs are capable of. Manning identified the general media slant that declares rape is typical of men of Middle Eastern extraction and that â€Å"white† women are threatened by the communities that harbor them. (Manning, p63) What is happening is actually a sanctioned prejudice towards a race on the guise of public indignation on specific criminal acts. The apt description, according to Michael Humphrey, is to â€Å"exoticize the Other† perhaps in an effort to demonize, curtail and control an ethnic minority. (p63) This comes in handy, for instance, when advancing certain policies that concern minority groups such as on the issue of what to do with refugees and asylum seekers. The section of the public who does not have any idea what the Muslims are or their faith and beliefs, their culture and their community have to depend heavily on the media and the printed material for their opinions and judgments. It is, hence, unfortunate that they get to read about Muslim depictions that are negative one-dimensional and often misleading and malicious. What is more unfortunate is the fact – as has been previously explained – that this phenomenon is a deliberate and systematic campaign on the part of the media. The media is guilty with the typical Western prejudice on Muslims and Islam and also, the â€Å"otherness† that comes with having a different culture and wa y of life. This is unfair to the Muslim community and unjust in its most extreme manifestations. It also harms societies that are multicultural and diverse. It breeds segregation and alienation among groups that should have been coming together and learning from each other, enriching the